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[G30] Fundamentals of Chemistry II

Undergraduate/Graduate: Undergraduate 

Registration Code: 0052221

Language Used in the Course: English

Instructor: SHIN, Jiyoung

Credits: 2

Term/Day/Period: 2nd/Tuesday/Spring

Goals of the Course

Chemistry is a discipline that deals with substances and their changes, and is the basis of a wide range of science fields. The targets range from atoms to various molecules, macromolecules, solids, liquids, substances existing in living organisms and global environment, and also forming the universe. We are surrounded by various substances, so it is important to understand substances and their behavior. Fundamentals of Chemistry I and II designed to be taken consecutively throughout the year, include how the basic units of substances such as atoms and molecules are assembled, and also deal with the structures and functions of various substances. It is planned to systematicaly learn the basics and attractiveness of chemistry, such as the inflow and outflow of energy, the progress of chemical reactions, and the relationship between life phenomena and substances.

Objectives of the Course

This course is designed to promote an understanding of introductory chemistry and to grasp the fundamental principles and basic knowledge of various chemistry subjects. It is also substantial in fostering independent decision-making capabilities. Based on the understanding of the course contents, the students can solve chemistry problems in each subject, including physical, electrochemical, nuclear, inorganic, solid-state, organic, and biological chemistry, from simple to significantly complex and hybrid.

Course Content or Plan

Class 1. Solids and Solid-State Materials (Ch.12)

Class 2. Solutions and Their Properties (Ch.13)

Class 3. Chemical Kinetics (Ch.14)

Class 4. Chemical Equilibrium (Ch.15)

Class 5. Summary and Evaluation for the Classes 1-4 with Practice Problems and the Solution Process

Class 6. Aqueous Equilibria: Acids and Bases (Ch. 16)

Class 7. Applications of Aqueous Equilibria (Ch.17)

Class 8. Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium (Ch. 18)

Class 9. Electrochemistry (Ch. 19)

Class 10. Summary and Evaluation for the Classes 6-9 with Practice Problems and the Solution Process

Class 11. Nuclear Chemistry (Ch. 20)

Class 12. Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry (Ch. 21)

Class 13. The Main-Group Elements (Ch. 22)

Class 14. Organic and Biological Chemistry (Ch. 23)

Class 15. Summary of the Overall Classes (1-14)

Class 16. Summary and Examination for the Entire Chapters (Chs. 12-23) with Practice Problems

Course Prerequisites and Related Courses

・Examination [total 70%: two midterms (20% for each) and one Final (30%)], Attendance and Assignments (30%). GPA (Grade Point Average) grading system is based on a ‘six-step’ grade scale: A+, A, B, C, C‒, and F (A+: x ≧ 95, A: 95 > x ≧ 80, B: 80 > x ≧ 70, C: 70 > x ≧ 65, C‒: 65 > x ≧ 60, and F: 60 > x).

・Course withdrawal and failure: (1) Withdrawal wil be recorded when the students officialy withdraw from the course or when the instructor has a legitimate reason for determining the student has no intention to continue the course, such as if the student did not submit a proper number of assignments or was absent from examinations. In such a case, the instructor wil not assign a grade. Furthermore, no attendance of the final examination leads to a ‘Withdrawal (W)’ grade. (2) Based on university law, whoever takes any suspicious action in any exam will lose his/her total credits for al coursework in the current semester.


Chemistry (Jil K. Robinson, John E. McMurry, and Robert C. Fay), 8th Edition: Global edition, Pearson, 2021(ISBN-13:9781292336206)

Reference Book

・General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (Ralph, H. Petrucci, F. Geoffrey Herring, Jeffry D. Madura, Carey Bissonnette), 11th Edition, Toronto, Pearson Canada, 2016 (ISBN 10: 0132931281)

・Chemistry (John E. McMurry, Robert C. Fay, and Jil K. Robinson), Seventh Edition: Global edition, 2016 (ISBN 10: 9781292092751)

Study Load (Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)

・Students are recommended to prepare each lecture by reading the scheduled chapters and to review the lecture by solving the requested homework questions.

・Each homework is vital for reviewing the corresponding class, due by the beginning of the next class. Late or no assignment submission is the deduction point of the grade.

Notice for Students

Participants wil get lecture material for each class through the NUCT site. Students can be asked sudden questions during lectures to provide substantial feedback.

How to Respond to Questions

Students can communicate face-to-face with the course instructor either in classes or through appointments. Communications by email are also available. Any student who wants to ask for tutorial time should email the instructor to arrange the appointment.

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